Old Drum

Commentary on Warrensburg, Johnson County and Missouri issues from a Libertarian perspective. View my earlier commentary at www.olddrum.net.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Prosecutors and Judges

Last night at a local Libertarian Party meeting, we were discussing the various races in other parties (since our candidates are unopposed in August). We reached the conclusion that it's kind of a shame that candidates for judge aren't allowed to actually "campaign." Last week I commented on Robin Scully case, pressed by the local prosecutor who is running for Associate Circuit Judge. That brought to mind the Raymond Wood case, in which the same prosecutor was chastized for "coercive government misconduct" when the cofession, gained by Wood's minister, was thrown out see Gadfly 203 [link corrected]. Somebody else thought they remembered a problem with the CMSU dorm fire case. I wonder what else is out there?

Those are the kind of thing a judicial candidate should be asked to discuss, even under current rules, since they bear on judicial philosophy and temperament. Even those who vote based on name recognition ought to at least have the information available to ignore if that's their desire.



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