Old Drum

Commentary on Warrensburg, Johnson County and Missouri issues from a Libertarian perspective. View my earlier commentary at www.olddrum.net.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hospital Sunshine - a Follow-Up

Rumors get around. I've heard that the heart of the WMMC Board of Trustees closed meeting was a Powerpoint presentation showing some rather off-putting conditions in the OB/GYN area. If it's as-described, I can see why they don't want the public to see it - it could run off a lot of their business. If it's as-described, I think the public absolutely needs to see it. If it has protected information about specific patients, the Sunshine Law allows that material to be excised before release.

So, how about it, WMMC board? Are you going to comply with the Sunshine Law or not? BTW, you do know that you can be held personally liable for failure to comply?

In Liberty


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