Old Drum

Commentary on Warrensburg, Johnson County and Missouri issues from a Libertarian perspective. View my earlier commentary at www.olddrum.net.

Monday, January 16, 2006

More on County Sewage

To expand on my earlier post, here's some parts of the draft ordinance, to apply to all unicorporated areas of the county, you should be concerned about:

1.4.3 - allows the health department to enter your property without proving probable cuse as long as they don't enter any buildings.

1.4.4 - the Board of Health rather than the County Commission sets the fees.

1.6 - Violating anyprovision of the ordinance is a misdemeanor. - Defines "failing system" which allows them to require you to upgrade (& comply with their rules). A sewer backup is one of the items.

2.3.19 - the inspector has to do a "site visit" before any permits can be issues.

2.5.6 - Requires plugging old wells "located on the property" - doesn't matter if they're a half-mile away.

2.7.6 - Requires detailed plans done to scale. - Allows them to deny a permit for violation of design or construction rules. So, would that mean you couldn't fix things so you'd just have to move out or pay daily fines? - It's alsoa violation of the ordinance to violate building, subdivision or zoning regulations.

2.11 - Says the ordinance will be "construed liberally to the fullest extent permitted by law."

Read it yourself and then tell the commission what you think of it.

In Liberty


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