I was appointed as "alternate" representative for Montserrat Township in the latest attempt to put P&Z in Johnson County. I had asked to be placed on the committee - not because I support zoning, but because I want to make sure that we can live with what comes out, should it end up passing.
The first meeting was yesterday afternoon; I was assured the only thing that "alternate" reps lack is a vote. OK, I can live with that for now. Most of the township reps at the meeting are fairly large farmer/landowners; at 112 acres, I'm the small fry. That means there will be a lot of protection for agricultural enterprises. I hope it also means there'll be a lot of interst in protecting their ability to sell property for development if they so desire. We know that Cass & Jackson Counties have very restrictive urban-type zoning, while Lafayette County's zoning is anti-development. We shall see how things develop.
In any case, I will use my political website, www.olddrum.net, to keep everyone informed on what's happening, in case the county website doesn't.