Old Drum

Commentary on Warrensburg, Johnson County and Missouri issues from a Libertarian perspective. View my earlier commentary at www.olddrum.net.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


The Johnson County Board of Services has parted ways with their Executive Director. I'd really like to know what the "differences in direction" cited inthe DSJ article were. I paid a lot of attention to the situation at the JCBS several years ago when they were fighting and overcoming the "Enron" setup with ADD & ISCI (see writings at www.olddrum.net under Free Press articles). Now I wonder what direction the current Board is going. Too bad we don't get real investigative reporting around here. Meanwhile, we're pating for everything with our property tax dollars.

In Liberty

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Catching Up, December 2006

OK, I've not posted for over a month. With the election, deer season, and assorted other priorities, it didn't seem that there was time. Or, with the lack of a link from digitalburg.com, worth the effort. I've let a lot of government shenanigans slde by, but it's time to satrt commenting again. We have:

+ The election challenge & "irregularities" involving the County Auditor race, decided by 4 votes.
+ The county spending a bunch of money on a new "industrial park" - about $5,000 an acre. What's more, they're going to issue bonds to pay for it, and we never got to vote on the bonds.
+ The city wanting to extend a 1/2 cent sales tax, to pay for an ambitious public building program. Meanwhile, we have 24 more years to go to pay for their giveaway to the Hawthorne development (what I call the "Wal-Mart tax").
+ Local elections for school board and city council coming up.
+ Local agencies deciding they need a lobbyist in Jeff City.
+ The legislature will be in session again. Time to watch for sneaky & pernicious bills (& those few that are actually beneficial).

If you, dear reader, want me to comment these, or any other, issues, you may post an anonymous reply to this post. Once I've initiated the topic, feel free to weigh in. Anonymous comments are acceptable if you need to protect your position - the only way anyone can find out where an anonymous post comes from is with a court order. However, anything you say has more weight if you post your name. Please, no ad hominem attacks.

In Liberty